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– “Tashīl al-Naḥw” in Arabic Syntax (Naḥw).
– “Tashīl al-Ṣarf” in Arabic Morphology (Ṣarf).
– “Qaṣaṣ al-Nabiyyīn (Stories of the Prophets) (vol.1&2)” in Arabic Literature (Adab).
– “Durūs al-Lugah al-ʿArabiyyah” in Conversational Arabic (Mukālamah).
– Classes on Arabic writing, sentence structuring and grammatical analysis.
– “Ascent to Felicity” in Islāmic Jurisprudence (Fiqh).
– “al-ʿĀqīdah al-Taḥawiyyah” and Intro to Modern-Ism’s.
– “Zād al-Ṭalibīn” in Prophetic Traditions (Aḥadīth).
– “Tajwīd for Beginners” in learning the rules of tajwīd.
– “Bidāyat al-Hidāyah” in Islāmic Spirituality (Taṣawwuf).
– “Prophet of Mercy” in Prophetic Biography (Sīrah).
– “Learning Urdu” / “Allah kay Rasul” in learning the basics of Urdu.
– Qur’ān Class to perfect Qur’ānic recitation and memorize 30th Juzz.

*School Year consists of three terms. The above books/subjects are divided accordingly.

Qur’ān Translation from Sūrah Yūnus till Sūrah al-Qaṣaṣ.
– “Tahdīb al-Akhlāq” for Prophetic Traditions.
– “Mukhtaṣar al-Qudūrī (Ṭahāra-Ḥajj)” in Islamic Jurisprudence and law.
– “Hidāyat al-Naḥw” in Arabic Syntax.
– “ʿIlm al-Sīgah” in Arabic Morphology.
– “Qaṣaṣ al-Nabiyyīn (vol. 3&4)” in Arabic Literature.
– “Fawāid Makkiyyah” and “Jāmiʿ al-Waqf” in tajwīd.
– “Rasm al-Kaṭṭ” about the script of the Qur’ān.
– Classes about the eloquence of the Qur’ān and it’s grammatical analysis.
– Classes on Islāmic History from the demise of the Prophet ﷺ till the last Islamic empire.
– Classes in learning Urdu.

* School Year consists of three terms. The above books/subjects are divided accordingly.

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