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About Us

Al-Hikmah Institute is a nonprofit organization dedicated to disseminating Islamic sciences in a modern context. 

What is al-Ḥikmah? 

In Arabic, ḥikmah is translated as “Wisdom”.

Allah ﷻ says the “And whosoever is given wisdom, surely he has been given an abundance of good.” (2:269)

The exegetes of the Qur’ān have offered many explanations as to what is meant by “wisdom” in this verse. Some are: 
1- Having in depth knowledge of the Qur’ān
2- Knowledge of the shar’īah
3- Sound understanding
4- To be correct in our speech and actions
5- The fear of Allāh ﷻ

Imām al-Ṭabarī comments that ‘wisdom’ in this verse means to be correct in our speech and actions. He further explains that all of the other explanations are complementary to it; because to be correct in our affairs, we must have sound understanding, knowledge of the shar’īah, and the fear of Allah ﷻ. 
(Tafsīr al-Ṭabarī)

Abdullah ibn Mas’ūd, one of the most knowledgeable disciples of Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ, has said: “The root of wisdom is the fear of Allāh ﷻ”.
(Bayhaqī fī shuʿab al-‘Imān) 

Our Philosophy:

We believe that knowledge is the starting point in recognizing our Creator and that practice is the main component that will lead us closer to Him. Therefore, we strive to disseminate Islamic knowledge with a strong emphasis on spirituality and practice.

Our Philosophy: 

We believe that knowledge is the starting point in recognizing our Creator and that practice is the main component that will lead us closer to Him. Therefore, we strive to disseminate Islamic knowledge with a strong emphasis on spirituality and practice.

Our services: 

  • Online classes
  • On Site classes
  • Q/A/Iftāʾ
  • Daily Reminders
  • Articles/Videos
  • Seminars

Our Team

Mawlānā Kamil

Mawlānā Kamil Sakhi grew up in flushing, New York. After completing middle school in 2011, he enrolled in the 7-year ʿĀlim Course program at Darul ʿUloom New York and graduated with honors in 2018. During the ʿĀlim course, he would travel…

Mawlānā Atiq Ullah

Mawlānā Atiq Ullah grew up in Flushing, New York. Mawlānā Atiq began studying the Islamic sciences at the age of 13 and enrolled in the ʿĀlim Course at Darul Uloom New York, graduating at the age of 19 in the year 2019 with high honors and finishing second in his class.

Mawlānā Zubair Kahir

Mawlānā Zubair Kahir was raised in Flushing, New York. He first had a desire to learn how to recite the Qur’ān with tajwīd which led him to enroll in the after school maktab program in Darul Uloom New York, where he worked on his Tajwīd, and learned the basics.